Safely Back to Work during COVID-19 Pandemic Period

It is time to discuss how we can go back to work safely during these unprecedented times. Here what I witnessed in Shanghai, China, we went back to work in the middle of February. It has been three months so far, with no suspected cases identified and no cross-infection reported. 

Three simple and effective methods were applied:

1) wash hands

2) wear mask

3) ensure the safety of office and office building.

1. Wash Hands – we formed the habit of washing hands with soap consciously. For example, wash hands before grabbing a coffee, preparing or eating food, rubbing our eyes, and applying lip-sticks. Keep your hands away from your face. Wash hands every time you press the buttons in the lift or the copy machine. Alternatively, put a bottle of hand sanitizer on every office desk, apply it when you see it. Sometimes you may forget to wash hands (that is normal), do NOT panic. A small amount of virus does NOT knock us down.

2. Wear Mask – we wear a mask at work, on the way to work, and in every public place. On the street, taxi, subway, restaurants, shopping malls. I run every morning in the street for 6km – I wear a mask for the first 500 meters.

3. Ensure the safety of office and office building – everyone working in an office building is registered, and every single entry is checked. Each person needs to scan a barcode (generated automatically by a telecommunication or social media platform provider), showing whether they have been to any risky districts, cities, or outside of the country. Everyone has their temperature checked as well.

We fought hard to save lives from January to March; it is now the time to go back to work, to restore the harmony of life, and to protect our wealth.  Now we feel safe!