Who We Are

Dr Jenny Shao

Dr. Jenny Shao
Founder and CEO, TDH Solution
Member of the International Board of Advisors, KLAS

Jenny is a medical doctor, practiced as an obstetrician and gynecologist in China for three years. She received a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Sydney.

Jenny worked in medical research for nine years. She led and conducted a variety of clinical research programs in oncology, vascular, renal, women and children’s health, and epidemiology at Liverpool Hospital, South West Area Health Service, New South Wales, Australia.

In the recent sixteen years, Jenny worked with United Family Healthcare (UFH) China, responsible for strategic planning, vision, and goal setting of the organization’s healthcare information system. Jenny has led a multi-year digital transformation journey from a legacy system to an integrated, interoperable, and robust platform. Implementation and clinical adoption have successfully transformed UFH with the delivery of an integrated and continuous care model across specialties, sub-specialties, hospitals, and communities.

From 2016 to 2019, Jenny served on the HIMSS AsiaPac Governance Council, which steers strategic direction, provides content expertise, and oversees the organization’s activities.